

Safe enjoyment: why diluted natural fragrances are the best choice for saunas

Safe pleasure: Why diluted natural fragrances are the best choice for saunas

A sauna infusion is more than just an infusion of water - it is a ritual that invigorates the senses, stimulates circulation and increases general well-being. Infusions with essential oils are particularly popular, as their natural fragrances create a special atmosphere. Many people opt for 100% natural essential oils, assuming that “natural” also means “safe”. However, this assumption can be deceptive and even dangerous: Undiluted essential oils should never be poured directly onto the sauna heater or inhaled undiluted.

What happens if you put undiluted fragrances on the sauna heater?

Most natural fragrances used for sauna infusions are available in the form of essential oils. These oils are highly concentrated extracts from plants that are obtained through various processes such as steam distillation or cold pressing. Essential oils are not only intense in their fragrance, but also in their chemical composition, which contains various active ingredients in high concentrations. If they are applied undiluted to the hot sauna heater, several dangerous reactions can occur:

  1. Risk of deflagrations and fires: Essential oils are flammable. At temperatures above around 50 degrees Celsius, they can vaporize and ignite on contact with open flames or very hot surfaces. Sauna heaters often reach temperatures of well over 200 degrees Celsius, which significantly increases the risk of deflagration. A small flame or flying sparks can be enough to cause a dangerous situation that can lead to burn injuries or property damage.

  2. Irritation of the respiratory tract: The intensive evaporation of undiluted essential oils releases highly concentrated vapors. These vapors can irritate the sensitive mucous membranes in the nose, throat and lungs. Especially with essential oils such as peppermint, eucalyptus or citrus oils that contain menthol or strong terpenes, inhalation can lead to coughing, a burning sensation in the airways, headaches or even severe allergic reactions. For people with asthma, allergies or other respiratory diseases, such irritations can cause serious health problems.

  3. Skin and mucous membrane irritation: Essential oils contain strong active ingredients that can cause irritation if they come into direct contact with the skin or mucous membranes. Undiluted oils can cause severe reactions such as redness, itching, burning or even chemical burns. In the humid and warm environment of the sauna, the skin becomes even more sensitive due to the high temperature, which can exacerbate the reaction to the concentrated oils.

The invisible danger: inhaling undiluted fragrances

Another risk factor is the inhalation of undiluted essential oils. Although the scents are pleasant and relaxing, they can be harmful in high concentrations. Some of the risks include:

  • Overloading of the nervous system: Some essential oils, such as peppermint and rosemary, have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. In high concentrations, this can lead to overstimulation, which can manifest itself in the form of restlessness, nervousness or dizziness. In extreme cases, toxic effects can also occur, especially in children and sensitive individuals.

  • Danger of poisoning: Certain essential oils contain substances that can have a toxic effect if the dose is too high. Tea tree oil, wintergreen and eucalyptus, for example, contain components such as cineole and methyl salicylate, which can have negative health effects ranging from gastrointestinal complaints to neurological symptoms if inhaled or come into contact with too much of them.

How can essential oils be properly diluted for the sauna?

To avoid the risks mentioned above, it is important to always dilute essential oils properly before using them in the sauna. Here are some recommendations:

  1. Dilute with water: For a typical sauna infusion, essential oils are diluted in water. A rule of thumb is to add about 3-5 drops of essential oil to one liter of water. This mixture should be stirred well before it is poured onto the hot stove.

  2. Use of alcohol-based fragrance solutions: Alcohol-based fragrance solutions are a recommended alternative to diluting essential oils. These solutions evaporate without leaving any residue on the hot stones and distribute the fragrance evenly throughout the sauna. Alcohol enables a stable and even distribution of the fragrances and supports the full development of the natural aroma of the essential oils. It is preferable to emulsions, as these can lead to residues on the stones and in the pipes and also pose health risks due to the high proportion of emulsifiers .

  3. Why emulsions are problematic: Fragrance emulsions, in which essential oils are dissolved in water with the help of emulsifiers, have some significant disadvantages. The water content evaporates incompletely and the emulsifiers remain behind as a greasy residue that can clog pipes and leave behind unpleasant odors. These residues lead to increased cleaning effort and can impair the service life of the sauna equipment. In addition, the high emulsifier content in emulsions can lead to skin and mucous membrane irritation and significantly reduce the quality of the fragrance experience.

  4. Using sauna fragrance oils: For safe use in the sauna, there are specially formulated sauna fragrance solutions that are already pre-mixed and diluted. These products contain essential oils in a safe concentration and are developed so that they can be used directly.

  5. Ensure quality: Always use high-quality essential oils from trustworthy manufacturers. Make sure that the products do not contain any additional chemical additives or synthetic fragrances that could pose additional health risks.

What is important when using fragrances

Essential oils are wonderful companions for sauna infusions, but can be dangerous if used incorrectly. The concentration of the vapors and the direct effect on the skin and respiratory tract make dilution essential. In order to enjoy the beneficial effects of the fragrances safely, it is crucial to observe the correct mixing ratios and never pour the oils undiluted onto the sauna heater or inhale them. 
The use of alcohol-based fragrance solutions is the safest and most effective way to ensure a pleasant and safe sauna experience. Emulsions, on the other hand, can lead to problems that not only affect the fragrance experience but also damage the sauna equipment. To avoid these dangers, alcohol-based solutions should be preferred as they support the characteristic radiance of the essential oils and leave no residue. 
You can find more information and a detailed comparison of fragrance solutions and fragrance emulsions in our blog article on this topic. So nothing stands in the way of a relaxing and safe visit to the sauna!