

The worrying changes caused by emulsifier-based fragrances on fragrance dosing pumps

Technico Dosierkopf PVPV

The worrying changes caused by emulsifier-based fragrances on fragrance dosing pumps

In the world of wellness and fragrances, we encounter a variety of products designed to enhance our well-being. However, one of the less considered aspects is the potential impact of these fragrances on the devices that release them. In the pictures, we show the critical changes that can occur in fragrance dosing pumps under the influence of emulsion-based fragrances. 
The dosing head of the fragrance dosing pump, normally made of plastic, shows changes that give cause for concern when emulsion-based fragrances are used. Part of the - normally solid - plastic dissolves and transforms the inner structure of the dosing head into a jelly-like mass consisting of a mixture of dissolved plastic of the dosing head and the emulsion component of the fragrance. 
Of particular concern is the fact that the emulsion-based fragrance is able to dissolve the plastic of the dosing head. The pictures show a slimy liquid seeping outwards, which shows that the fragrance has a lasting effect on the material, which can lead to malfunctions. The bellows of the dosing pump also show slimy residues of the fragrance with emulsion. These developments raise serious questions about safety, especially when it comes to potential effects on our airways and lungs. After all, if ingredients from these fragrances can dissolve or degrade plastic, what effect can they have on organic components such as our lungs?
This is the reason why we at Kemitron recommend alcohol-based fragrances. Particularly in environments such as a steam bath, rhassoul, sauna or bio sauna, where the fragrances are inhaled intensively, care should be taken. This is because inhaling warm or hot air dilates the blood vessels in the airways and alveoli. This process is called vasodilation. It improves gas exchange, but also increases the absorption of substances in the air we breathe. In environments with potentially harmful substances, this can have a negative impact on our health. It is therefore essential to critically evaluate not only the fragrance itself but also its carrier base to ensure a safe and worry-free wellness experience.

Further information on this topic: Fragrance solution or fragrance emulsion in Sauna or steam bath?

How to recognize damage caused by emulsifier-based fragrances on your fragrance dosing pump: